The kanban system is the first Kaizen alternative. This ensures proper control of workflow and an effective quality control of products. With kanban, the company can utilize the maximum resources of employees by helping them to achieve maximum output. It targets mainly on the departments of organizations, the place where major business processes are undertaken. After visualizing the operations, BPR creates strategies.
Modular Functional Deployment (MFD) is the third category of Kaizen alternative.
Kaizen Alternatives: Options of Business Process Optimization
Can employees take time off without causing routine business activities to come to a halt?------------------------------------------------Take Time to Do a Little "Task Triage"------------------------------------------------Look at each of the applicable areas of your business, such as:. Project management. Production management. Information technology. Quality assurance. Marketing/sales. Customer support. Observing a repeatable pattern for performing work can take time. Even if your business has operated for a while, new activities will inevitably emerge. The expert can help fine-tune the resulting procedures, which would all become part of the company's information library.4. If you are able to automate procedures, consider using electronic support systems.5. What types of documentation should you produce?-- Systems, at the highest level, represent collections of related processes.-- Processes, depicted as diagrams or process maps, provide overviews of tasks that transform inputs into outputs by adding value during each task step.-- Procedures cover the step-by-step, "how-to" details for performing task steps. Procedures might appear in training materials, job aids, and work instructions. Your time is valuable, so your goal should be to spend time on the activities that will contribute most to your company's profitability. In conclusion, systematizing your business may seem like an overwhelming effort.
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